Analyse gravitational-wave parameter-estimation results from SPINspiral and lalinference_mcmc
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analyseMCMC_modules.f90 File Reference

(AnalyseMCMC version 0.7.1, revision 448, hash 2f54722 (2013-11-19))

Modules used by analyseMCMC. More...

Data Types

module  analysemcmc_settings
 Module with settings from the input file (e.g. analysemcmc.dat) More...
module  am_constants
 Module with constants for analyseMCMC. More...
module  general_data
 Module with Markov-chain data from the SPINspiral output files. More...
module  mcmcrun_data
 Module with MCMC run data from the SPINspiral output files. More...
module  stats_data
 Module with generated statistics. More...
module  plot_data
 Module with plot settings. More...
module  chain_data
 Module with secondary Markov-chain data. More...

Detailed Description

Modules used by analyseMCMC.