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plot_data Module Reference

Module with plot settings. More...

Public Attributes

integer ncolours
integer, dimension(10) colours
integer defcolour
integer nsymbols
integer, dimension(10) symbols
integer maxdots
real pltsz
real pltrat
real bmpsz
real bmprat
character, dimension(99) bmpxpix
character, dimension(99) unsharplogl
character, dimension(99) unsharpchain
character, dimension(99) unsharppdf1d
character, dimension(99) unsharppdf2d
character, dimension(9) psclr
character, dimension(20) colournames

Detailed Description

Module with plot settings.

Member Data Documentation

integer plot_data::ncolours
integer, dimension(10) plot_data::colours
integer plot_data::defcolour
integer plot_data::nsymbols
integer, dimension(10) plot_data::symbols
integer plot_data::maxdots
real plot_data::pltsz
real plot_data::pltrat
real plot_data::bmpsz
real plot_data::bmprat
character, dimension(99) plot_data::bmpxpix
character, dimension(99) plot_data::unsharplogl
character, dimension(99) plot_data::unsharpchain
character, dimension(99) plot_data::unsharppdf1d
character, dimension(99) plot_data::unsharppdf2d
character, dimension(9) plot_data::psclr
character, dimension(20) plot_data::colournames

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