Analyse gravitational-wave parameter-estimation results from SPINspiral and lalinference_mcmc
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analyseMCMC_textroutines.f90 File Reference

(AnalyseMCMC version 0.7.1, revision 448, hash 2f54722 (2013-11-19))

Text functions and routines for analyseMCMC. More...


subroutine set_originalparameternames ()
 Define the names and symbols of the original MCMC parameters. More...
subroutine set_derivedparameternames ()
 Define the names and symbols of the derived MCMC parameters. More...

Detailed Description

Text functions and routines for analyseMCMC.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine set_originalparameternames ( )

Define the names and symbols of the original MCMC parameters.

Referenced by analysemcmc().

subroutine set_derivedparameternames ( )

Define the names and symbols of the derived MCMC parameters.

  • e.g. d_L rather than d_L^3 or log(d_L), i rather than cos(i), etc.

Referenced by statistics().