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analyseMCMC_2dpdf_plotting.f90 File Reference

(AnalyseMCMC version 0.7.1, revision 448, hash 2f54722 (2013-11-19))

Routines and functions to help plot 2D marginalised PDFs. More...


subroutine open_2d_pdf_plot_file (p1, p2, npdf, sch, project_map, exitcode)
 Open a screen or plot file for a 2D PDF plot. More...
subroutine plot_2d_pdf (z, tr, project_map)
 Plot the actual 2D PDF (grey-scale or colour pixels) More...
subroutine set_2d_probability_colours (minclr, maxclr)
 Define the grey scales or colours for the 2D probability areas. More...
subroutine plot_2d_contours (z, tr, project_map, lw)
 Plot contours in a 2D PDF. More...
subroutine plot_values_in_2d_pdf (ic, p1, p2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dx, dy, sch, lw, project_map)
 Plot injection value, median, ranges, etc. in 2D PDF. More...
subroutine plot_2d_pdf_axes_labels_titles (p1, p2, sch, flw, project_map)
 Print 2D PDF plot axes, axis labels and plot title. More...
subroutine convert_2d_pdf_plot (p1, p2, countplots)
 Convert 2D PDF plot. More...
subroutine removeppm_createthumbnails_createhtml_2d_pdf (j1, j2)
 Remove all the .ppm files, create thumbnails and fill the index.html. More...

Detailed Description

Routines and functions to help plot 2D marginalised PDFs.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine open_2d_pdf_plot_file ( integer, intent(in)  p1,
integer, intent(in)  p2,
integer, intent(inout)  npdf,
real, intent(in)  sch,
logical, intent(in)  project_map,
integer, intent(out)  exitcode 

Open a screen or plot file for a 2D PDF plot.

p1ID of parameter 1
p2ID of parameter 2
npdfNumber of the current PDF (I/O)
schDefault (character) scaling
project_mapUse map projection?
Return values
exitcodeExit code: 0=ok

References pginitl().

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine plot_2d_pdf ( real, dimension(nbin2dx+1,nbin2dy+1), intent(in)  z,
real, dimension(6), intent(in)  tr,
logical, intent(in)  project_map 

Plot the actual 2D PDF (grey-scale or colour pixels)

z2D binned data
trTransformation elements used by PGPlot
project_mapUse map projection?

References pgimag_project(), and set_2d_probability_colours().

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine set_2d_probability_colours ( integer, intent(out)  minclr,
integer, intent(out)  maxclr 

Define the grey scales or colours for the 2D probability areas.

Return values
minclrFirst colour of colour-index range for pgimag
maxclrLast colour of colour-index range for pgimag

Referenced by plot_2d_pdf().

subroutine plot_2d_contours ( real, dimension(nbin2dx+1,nbin2dy+1), intent(in)  z,
real, dimension(6), intent(in)  tr,
logical, intent(in)  project_map,
integer, intent(in)  lw 

Plot contours in a 2D PDF.

z2D binned data
trTransformation elements used by PGPlot
project_mapUse map projection?
lwDefault line width

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine plot_values_in_2d_pdf ( integer, intent(in)  ic,
integer, intent(in)  p1,
integer, intent(in)  p2,
real, intent(in)  xmin,
real, intent(in)  xmax,
real, intent(in)  ymin,
real, intent(in)  ymax,
real, intent(in)  dx,
real, intent(in)  dy,
real, intent(in)  sch,
integer, intent(in)  lw,
logical, intent(in)  project_map 

Plot injection value, median, ranges, etc. in 2D PDF.

icChain ID
p1ID of parameter 1
p2ID of parameter 2
xminLower limit of horizontal plot range
xmaxUpper limit of horizontal plot range
yminLower limit of vertical plot range
ymaxUpper limit of vertical plot range
dxWidth of horizontal plot range
dyWidth of vertical plot range
schDefault (character) scaling
lwDefault line width
project_mapUse map projection?

References project_skymap().

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine plot_2d_pdf_axes_labels_titles ( integer, intent(in)  p1,
integer, intent(in)  p2,
real, intent(in)  sch,
integer, intent(in)  flw,
logical, intent(in)  project_map 

Print 2D PDF plot axes, axis labels and plot title.

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine convert_2d_pdf_plot ( integer, intent(in)  p1,
integer, intent(in)  p2,
integer, intent(in)  countplots 

Convert 2D PDF plot.

p1ID of parameter 1
p2ID of parameter 2
countplotsCount of the current plot

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine removeppm_createthumbnails_createhtml_2d_pdf ( integer, intent(in)  j1,
integer, intent(in)  j2 

Remove all the .ppm files, create thumbnails and fill the index.html.

j1First parameter to plot
j2Last parameter to plot

References compbitmapsize(), and print_rundata().

Referenced by pdfs2d().