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analyseMCMC_functions.f90 File Reference

(AnalyseMCMC version 0.7.1, revision 448, hash 2f54722 (2013-11-19))

General routines and functions for analyseMCMC. More...


real(double) function lon2ra (lon, GPSsec)
 Compute right ascension (in radians) from longitude (radians) and GPS time (seconds) More...
real(double) function ra2lon (ra, GPSsec)
 Compute longitude (in radians) from right ascension (radians) and GPS time (seconds) More...
real(double) function gmst (GPSsec)
 Compute the 'Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time' (in radians) from GPS time (in seconds) More...
subroutine savgol (c, np, nl, nr, ld, m)
 Uses lubksb,ludcmp. More...
subroutine lubksb (a, n, np, indx, b)
subroutine ludcmp (a, n, np, indx, d)
real(double) function drev2pi (x)
 Returns angle in radians between 0 and 2pi (double precision) More...
real function revper (x, per)
 Returns periodic value x between 0 and per. More...
real function revpipi (x)
 Returns angle in radians between -pi and pi. More...
real function rev360 (x)
 Returns angle in degrees between 0 and 360. More...
real function rev180 (x)
 Returns angle in degrees between 0 and 180. More...
real function rev24 (x)
 Returns angle in hours between 0 and 24. More...
real function rev2pi (x)
 Returns angle in radians between 0 and 2pi. More...
real(double) function drevpi (x)
 Returns angle in radians between 0 and pi - double. More...
real function rrevpi (x)
 Returns angle in radians between 0 and pi - real. More...
character function, dimension(8) tms (a1)
 Print angle as mm:ss.s string, input in hours. More...
integer function getos ()
 Determine the operating system type: 1-Linux, 2-MacOSX. More...
real(double) function timestamp ()
 Get time stamp in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, mod countmax. More...
subroutine lbr2vec (l, b, r, vec)
 Transforms longitude l, latitude b and radius r into a vector with length r. Use r=1 for a unit vector. More...
real(double) function veclen (vec)
 Compute the length of a 3D cartesian vector. More...
subroutine normvec (vec)
 Create a unit vector from a 3D cartesian vector. More...
subroutine mc_q_2_m1_m2 (mc, q, m1, m2)
 Convert chirp mass and q to m1 and m2 - double precision. More...
subroutine mc_q_2_m1_m2r (mcr, qr, m1r, m2r)
 Convert chirp mass and eta to m1 and m2 - single precision. More...
real(double) function eta2q (eta)
 Convert symmetric mass ratio eta to asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1) More...
real function eta2qr (eta)
 Convert symmetric mass ratio eta to asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1) More...
real(double) function q2eta (q)
 Convert asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1) to symmetric mass ratio eta (0 - 0.25) More...
real function q2etar (q)
 Convert asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1) to symmetric mass ratio eta (0 - 0.25) More...
subroutine mc_eta_2_m1_m2 (mc, eta, m1, m2)
 Convert chirp mass and eta to m1 and m2 - double precision. More...
subroutine mc_eta_2_m1_m2r (mcr, etar, m1r, m2r)
 Convert chirp mass and eta to m1 and m2 - single precision. More...
real(double) function m1m2_2_mc (m1, m2)
 Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp. More...
real function m1m2_2_mcr (m1, m2)
 Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp - single precision. More...
subroutine m1_m2_2_mc_eta (m1, m2, mc, eta)
 Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp, eta (double precision) More...
subroutine m1_m2_2_mc_etar (m1r, m2r, mcr, etar)
 Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp, eta (single precision) More...
subroutine ang2vec (l, b, vec)
 Convert longitude, latitude (rad) to a 3D unit vector. More...
subroutine vec2ang (vec, l, b)
 Convert a 3D vector to longitude, latitude (rad) More...
real(double) function dotproduct (vec1, vec2)
 Compute the dot product of two 3D cartesian vectors. More...
subroutine crossproduct (vec1, vec2, crpr)
 Compute the cross (outer) product of two cartesian vectors. More...
real(double) function polangle (p, o)
 Compute the polarisation angle of a source with position unit vector p and orientation normal vector o. More...
real(double) function posangle (p, o)
 Compute the position angle of a source with position unit vector p and orientation unit vector o. More...
subroutine compute_incli_polang (pl, pb, ol, ob, i, psi)
 Compute the inclination and polarisation angle for a source with position (pl,pb) and orientation (ol,ob) More...
subroutine compute_incli_polangr (plr, pbr, olr, obr, ir, psir)
 Compute the inclination and polarisation angle for a source with position (pl,pb) and orientation (ol,ob) - single prec. More...
subroutine compute_incli_posang (pl, pb, ol, ob, i, pa)
 Compute the inclination and position angle for a source with position (pl,pb) and orientation (ol,ob) More...
subroutine detectorvector (d1, d2, jd)
 Determine the sky position pointed at by the vector that connects two detectors. More...
subroutine findfiles (match, nff, all, fnames, nf)
 Find files in the current working directory. More...
subroutine compbitmapsize (bmpXSz, bmpYSz, scFac, bmpsz, bmprat)
 Compute the size needed for PGPlot to get the desired bitmap size in pixels. More...
subroutine print_rundata (op)
 Print a single output line to specify when and were AnalyseMCMC was run. More...
subroutine create_html_index_file ()
 Setup a index.html file for output. More...
subroutine create_html_2dpdf_file (op)
 Setup the 2dpdf.html file for output. More...
subroutine report_undefined_parameter (parName, parID, routine)
 Report an undefined parameter that the code tries to use. More...

Detailed Description

General routines and functions for analyseMCMC.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

real(double) function lon2ra ( real(double), intent(in)  lon,
real(double), intent(in)  GPSsec 

Compute right ascension (in radians) from longitude (radians) and GPS time (seconds)

GPSsecGPS time in seconds
  • Declination == latitude for equatorial coordinates

References gmst().

real(double) function ra2lon ( real(double), intent(in)  ra,
real(double), intent(in)  GPSsec 

Compute longitude (in radians) from right ascension (radians) and GPS time (seconds)

raRight Ascension
GPSsecGPS time in seconds
  • Declination == latitude for equatorial coordinates.

References gmst().

real(double) function gmst ( real(double), intent(in)  GPSsec)

Compute the 'Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time' (in radians) from GPS time (in seconds)

GPSsecGPS time in seconds
See Also
K.R. Lang (1999), p.80sqq.

Referenced by lon2ra(), mcmcruninfo(), and ra2lon().

subroutine savgol ( real, dimension(np), intent(out)  c,
integer, intent(in)  np,
integer, intent(in)  nl,
integer, intent(in)  nr,
integer, intent(in)  ld,
integer, intent(in)  m 

Uses lubksb,ludcmp.

References lubksb(), and ludcmp().

Referenced by smoothpdf1d().

subroutine lubksb ( real, dimension(np,np), intent(in)  a,
integer, intent(in)  n,
integer, intent(in)  np,
integer, dimension(n), intent(in)  indx,
real, dimension(n), intent(out)  b 

Referenced by savgol().

subroutine ludcmp ( real, dimension(np,np), intent(inout)  a,
integer, intent(in)  n,
integer, intent(in)  np,
integer, dimension(n), intent(out)  indx,
real, intent(out)  d 

Referenced by savgol().

real(double) function drev2pi ( real(double), intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in radians between 0 and 2pi (double precision)

xAngle (rad)

Referenced by plotthesky().

real function revper ( real, intent(in)  x,
real, intent(in)  per 

Returns periodic value x between 0 and per.

xInput value
perPeriod of cycle

Referenced by statistics().

real function revpipi ( real, intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in radians between -pi and pi.

xAngle (rad)
real function rev360 ( real, intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in degrees between 0 and 360.

xAngle (deg)

Referenced by pdfs1d(), plot_par_l(), and plot_parameter_chains().

real function rev180 ( real, intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in degrees between 0 and 180.

xAngle (deg)

Referenced by pdfs1d(), plot_par_l(), and plot_parameter_chains().

real function rev24 ( real, intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in hours between 0 and 24.

xAngle (hours)

Referenced by pdfs1d(), plot_par_l(), and plot_parameter_chains().

real function rev2pi ( real, intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in radians between 0 and 2pi.

xAngle (rad)

Referenced by save_cbc_wiki_data().

real(double) function drevpi ( real(double), intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in radians between 0 and pi - double.

xAngle (rad)

Referenced by compute_incli_polang().

real function rrevpi ( real, intent(in)  x)

Returns angle in radians between 0 and pi - real.

xAngle (rad)

Referenced by save_cbc_wiki_data().

character function, dimension(8) tms ( real(double), intent(in)  a1)

Print angle as mm:ss.s string, input in hours.

a1 Angle (hours)

Referenced by animation().

integer function getos ( )

Determine the operating system type: 1-Linux, 2-MacOSX.

real(double) function timestamp ( )

Get time stamp in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, mod countmax.

Referenced by analysemcmc(), and animation().

subroutine lbr2vec ( real(double), intent(in)  l,
real(double), intent(in)  b,
real(double), intent(in)  r,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(out)  vec 

Transforms longitude l, latitude b and radius r into a vector with length r. Use r=1 for a unit vector.

lLongitude (rad)
bLatitude (rad)
Return values
vec3D vector with the same units as r
real(double) function veclen ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  vec)

Compute the length of a 3D cartesian vector.

vec3D vector

Referenced by normvec().

subroutine normvec ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(inout)  vec)

Create a unit vector from a 3D cartesian vector.

vec3D vector (I/O)

References veclen().

Referenced by posangle(), and vec2ang().

subroutine mc_q_2_m1_m2 ( real(double), intent(in)  mc,
real(double), intent(in)  q,
real(double), intent(out)  m1,
real(double), intent(out)  m2 

Convert chirp mass and q to m1 and m2 - double precision.

mcChirp mass (Mo)
qMass ratio q
Return values
m1M1 (Mo)
m2M2 (Mo)

Referenced by mc_q_2_m1_m2r().

subroutine mc_q_2_m1_m2r ( real, intent(in)  mcr,
real, intent(in)  qr,
real, intent(out)  m1r,
real, intent(out)  m2r 

Convert chirp mass and eta to m1 and m2 - single precision.

mcrChirp mass (Mo)
qrMass ratio q
Return values
m1rM1 (Mo)
m2rM2 (Mo)

References mc_q_2_m1_m2().

Referenced by mcmcruninfo().

real(double) function eta2q ( real(double), intent(in)  eta)

Convert symmetric mass ratio eta to asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1)

etaSymmetric mass ratio (0 - 0.25)
real function eta2qr ( real, intent(in)  eta)

Convert symmetric mass ratio eta to asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1)

etaSymmetric mass ratio (0 - 0.25)

Referenced by mcmcruninfo().

real(double) function q2eta ( real(double), intent(in)  q)

Convert asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1) to symmetric mass ratio eta (0 - 0.25)

qAsymmetric mass ratio (0 - 1)
real function q2etar ( real, intent(in)  q)

Convert asymmetric mass ratio q (0 - 1) to symmetric mass ratio eta (0 - 0.25)

qAsymmetric mass ratio (0 - 1)
subroutine mc_eta_2_m1_m2 ( real(double), intent(in)  mc,
real(double), intent(in)  eta,
real(double), intent(out)  m1,
real(double), intent(out)  m2 

Convert chirp mass and eta to m1 and m2 - double precision.

mcChirp mass (Mo)
Return values
m1M1 (Mo)
m2M2 (Mo)

Referenced by mc_eta_2_m1_m2r().

subroutine mc_eta_2_m1_m2r ( real, intent(in)  mcr,
real, intent(in)  etar,
real, intent(out)  m1r,
real, intent(out)  m2r 

Convert chirp mass and eta to m1 and m2 - single precision.

mcrChirp mass (Mo)
Return values
m1rM1 (Mo)
m2rM2 (Mo)

References mc_eta_2_m1_m2().

real(double) function m1m2_2_mc ( real(double), intent(in)  m1,
real(double), intent(in)  m2 

Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp.

m1M1 (Mo)
m2M2 (Mo)
Return values
mcChirp mass (Mo)
real function m1m2_2_mcr ( real, intent(in)  m1,
real, intent(in)  m2 

Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp - single precision.

m1M1 (Mo)
m2M2 (Mo)
Return values
mcChirp mass (Mo)

Referenced by mcmcruninfo().

subroutine m1_m2_2_mc_eta ( real(double), intent(in)  m1,
real(double), intent(in)  m2,
real(double), intent(out)  mc,
real(double), intent(out)  eta 

Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp, eta (double precision)

m1M1 (Mo)
m2M2 (Mo)
Return values
mcChirp mass (Mo)

Referenced by m1_m2_2_mc_etar().

subroutine m1_m2_2_mc_etar ( real, intent(in)  m1r,
real, intent(in)  m2r,
real, intent(out)  mcr,
real, intent(out)  etar 

Convert M1,M2 to Mchirp, eta (single precision)

m1rM1 (Mo)
m2rM2 (Mo)
Return values
mcrChirp mass (Mo)

References m1_m2_2_mc_eta().

subroutine ang2vec ( real(double), intent(in)  l,
real(double), intent(in)  b,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(out)  vec 

Convert longitude, latitude (rad) to a 3D unit vector.

lLongitude, in [0,2pi[
bLatitude, in [-pi,pi]
Return values
vec3D unit vector

Referenced by compute_incli_polang(), compute_incli_posang(), and detectorvector().

subroutine vec2ang ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  vec,
real(double), intent(out)  l,
real(double), intent(out)  b 

Convert a 3D vector to longitude, latitude (rad)

vec3D vector
Return values
lLongitude, in [0,2pi[
bLatitude, in [-pi,pi]

References normvec().

Referenced by detectorvector().

real(double) function dotproduct ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  vec1,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  vec2 

Compute the dot product of two 3D cartesian vectors.

vec13D vector 1
vec23D vector 2

Referenced by compute_incli_polang(), compute_incli_posang(), polangle(), and posangle().

subroutine crossproduct ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  vec1,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  vec2,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(out)  crpr 

Compute the cross (outer) product of two cartesian vectors.

vec13D vector 1
vec23D vector 2
Return values
crprCross/outer product (vec1 x vec2)

Referenced by polangle(), and posangle().

real(double) function polangle ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  p,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  o 

Compute the polarisation angle of a source with position unit vector p and orientation normal vector o.

p3D position unit vector
o3D orientation unit vector
See Also
Apostolatos et al. 1994, Eq.5

References crossproduct(), and dotproduct().

Referenced by compute_incli_polang().

real(double) function posangle ( real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  p,
real(double), dimension(3), intent(in)  o 

Compute the position angle of a source with position unit vector p and orientation unit vector o.

p3D position unit vector
o3D orientation unit vector

References crossproduct(), dotproduct(), and normvec().

Referenced by compute_incli_posang().

subroutine compute_incli_polang ( real(double), intent(in)  pl,
real(double), intent(in)  pb,
real(double), intent(in)  ol,
real(double), intent(in)  ob,
real(double), intent(out)  i,
real(double), intent(out)  psi 

Compute the inclination and polarisation angle for a source with position (pl,pb) and orientation (ol,ob)

plPosition: longtitude, in [0,2pi[ (rad)
pbPosition: latitude, in [0,pi] (rad)
olOrientation: longtitude, in [0,2pi[ (rad)
obOrientation: latitude, in [0,pi] (rad)
Return values
iInclination angle (rad)
psiPolarisation angle (rad)
  • all variables are angles (no cos, sin)
  • pb,ob used to be in ([-pi/2,pi/2]) now [0,pi], conf John V. & Christian R.

References ang2vec(), dotproduct(), drevpi(), and polangle().

Referenced by compute_incli_polangr().

subroutine compute_incli_polangr ( real, intent(in)  plr,
real, intent(in)  pbr,
real, intent(in)  olr,
real, intent(in)  obr,
real, intent(out)  ir,
real, intent(out)  psir 

Compute the inclination and polarisation angle for a source with position (pl,pb) and orientation (ol,ob) - single prec.

plrPosition: longtitude, in [0,2pi[ (rad)
pbrPosition: latitude, in [0,pi] (rad)
olrOrientation: longtitude, in [0,2pi[ (rad)
obrOrientation: latitude, in [0,pi] (rad)
Return values
irInclination angle (rad)
psirPolarisation angle (rad)

References compute_incli_polang().

Referenced by mcmcruninfo().

subroutine compute_incli_posang ( real(double), intent(in)  pl,
real(double), intent(in)  pb,
real(double), intent(in)  ol,
real(double), intent(in)  ob,
real(double), intent(out)  i,
real(double), intent(out)  pa 

Compute the inclination and position angle for a source with position (pl,pb) and orientation (ol,ob)

plPosition: longtitude, in [0,2pi[ (rad)
pbPosition: latitude, in (rad)
olOrientation: longtitude, in [0,2pi[ (rad)
obOrientation: latitude, in (rad)
Return values
iInclination angle (rad)
paPolarisation angle (rad)
Position angle, not polarisation angle!

References ang2vec(), dotproduct(), and posangle().

subroutine detectorvector ( integer, intent(in)  d1,
integer, intent(in)  d2,
real(double), intent(inout)  jd 

Determine the sky position pointed at by the vector that connects two detectors.

d1ID Detector 1
d2ID Detector 2
jdJulian day
Finish and use

References ang2vec(), and vec2ang().

subroutine findfiles ( character, dimension(*), intent(in)  match,
integer, intent(in)  nff,
integer, intent(in)  all,
character, dimension(99), intent(out)  fnames,
integer, intent(out)  nf 

Find files in the current working directory.

matchSearch string to match
nffMaximum number of files to return
allAll files? 0-select manually from list, 1-always return all files in list
Return values
fnamesArray that contains the files found; make sure it has the same length as the array in the calling programme
nfThe actual number of files returned in fnames ( = min(number found, nff))

Referenced by analysemcmc().

subroutine compbitmapsize ( integer, intent(in)  bmpXSz,
integer, intent(in)  bmpYSz,
real, intent(in)  scFac,
real, intent(out)  bmpsz,
real, intent(out)  bmprat 

Compute the size needed for PGPlot to get the desired bitmap size in pixels.

bmpXSzDesired x-size in pixels
bmpYSzDesired y-size in pixels
scFacScale factor; produce a larger bitmap, the shrink to get smoother graphics
Return values
bmpszSize of the bitmap (x)
bmpratAspect ration of the bitmap

Referenced by analysemcmc(), pdfs2d(), and removeppm_createthumbnails_createhtml_2d_pdf().

subroutine print_rundata ( integer, intent(in)  op)

Print a single output line to specify when and were AnalyseMCMC was run.

opOutput unit

Referenced by analysemcmc(), and removeppm_createthumbnails_createhtml_2d_pdf().

subroutine create_html_index_file ( )

Setup a index.html file for output.

Referenced by analysemcmc().

subroutine create_html_2dpdf_file ( integer, intent(in)  op)

Setup the 2dpdf.html file for output.

Referenced by pdfs2d().

subroutine report_undefined_parameter ( character, dimension(*), intent(in)  parName,
integer, intent(in)  parID,
character, dimension(*), intent(in)  routine 

Report an undefined parameter that the code tries to use.

parNameName of the undefined parameter
parIDID of the undefined parameter
routineName of the caller routine

Referenced by pdfs1d(), pdfs2d(), plot_acorr_chains(), plot_jump_sizes(), plot_par_l(), and plot_parameter_chains().