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analyseMCMC_plot.f90 File Reference

(AnalyseMCMC version 0.7.1, revision 448, hash 2f54722 (2013-11-19))

Plotting routines for analyseMCMC. More...


subroutine pginitl (colour, file, whiteBG)
 Initialise PGPlot for use with AnalyseMCMC. More...
subroutine pgscidark (ci, file, whiteBG)
 Set the colour to ci, but use a darker shade if the background is black or a lighter shade if it is white. More...

Detailed Description

Plotting routines for analyseMCMC.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine pginitl ( integer, intent(in)  colour,
integer, intent(in)  file,
integer, intent(in)  whiteBG 

Initialise PGPlot for use with AnalyseMCMC.

colourUse colour: 0:no, 1-yes
fileFile type: 0-screen, 1-png, 2-eps, 3-pdf
whiteBGUse a white background: 0:no, 1-yes

Referenced by animation(), open_2d_pdf_plot_file(), pdfs1d(), plot_acorr_chains(), plot_jump_sizes(), plot_par_l(), plot_parameter_chains(), plot_posterior_chain(), and plot_rhat_chains().

subroutine pgscidark ( integer, intent(in)  ci,
integer, intent(in)  file,
integer, intent(in)  whiteBG 

Set the colour to ci, but use a darker shade if the background is black or a lighter shade if it is white.

ciColour index
fileOutput file type
whiteBGHave a white background (1) or nor (0)

Referenced by plot_parameter_chains(), and plot_posterior_chain().